XPEDIOLIVE is a brand which is managed by XpedioLive Technologies Private Limited (XTPL). XTPL is a registered company under the Indian company act to provide the services in Information Technology sector which will cater technology support to industrial automations and provide world class solutions for all enterprise segments
We believe that this ear is automation era.
And everybody rise to it and take it as challenge.
We are committed to provide state-of-art industry,
grade knowledge to all section of the society.
Our vision is contineous automation and bring all the talents to make it happen
We are working to provide an opportunity to all who wish to take it as innovation as a mission
We strive for our product, processes and customer interactions to be as simple, straightforward, and understandable as possible. In everything we do, we try to remove the unnecessary barriers and friction, focusing on the most important and impactful work.
We are quick to ship, respond, and to act. Speed is critical, however it's irrelevant if applied in a haphazard way. We must take ownership, execute with purpose, collect feedback and iterate. In this way, speed becomes velocity and which it in turn becomes momentum.
We're determined to achieve our missions and goals, but we want to be proud of HOW we achieve them. Doing the right thing for our customers and teammates is what truely sets Xpediolive apart. We demonstrate transperancy, honesty and integrity at all times.
We are a technology company which mainly operates into machine to machine (M2M) and machine and to human communication (IoT) platforms. We also provide enterprise grid solution based on web and mobile technologies.
XTPL is founded by group of entrepreneurs who have worked for IT multi-nationals at senior and strategic positions. We mainly offer Cloud based solutions as platform, used for automating human life helping create Digital Societies, Smart Communities and Enterprise Solutions for Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Customer (B2C) segment.
Devices like Raspberry Pi, biometric finger print scanners, RFIDs and various industrial sensors were successfully implemented in our previous implementations.
We have successfully delivered solutions to manufacturing industries (Metal HW, Spring etc), health sector (lab automation) and Infrastructure companies.
We also provide consulting around implementation, business/process transformation and operational solutions for clients across the globe.